Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is God Short-Tempered?

About 10 times the Bible says that God is, "slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love". And he, "is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) God wants all to know his grace and mercy and love.

However, sometimes we see God's righteous anger towards sin displayed. I thought this article was a good reflection on understanding that. As a good Parent, God will not forever be patient towards our rebellion towards him but will discipline us for our good and in the end will punish us if we do not change our way.

Here is a nugget:
How do we credibly preach about a God who willingly kills men, women and children? This question challenged me this past week as I preached from Genesis 6 and the story of Noah. It challenged me because I know that two dear friends of mine reject the God of the Bible because of this very passage and others like it. It also challenges me because I wonder the same thing about God. Over the years I’ve grown fatigued with callous doctrinal academics or simplistic Christian cliches. I want a reasonable answer that takes into account our genuine condition as human beings. Here is a snippet of what I offered regarding this question. What do you think? Am I missing the mark? How would you approach this?

Read the rest.

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