Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Worst Kind of Friend?

On the social network site Mixi (a Japanese equivalent to Facebook) there was recently posted a survey of 630 people with the question: What kind of friend do you not want to have?

The top answers:
1. A friend who invites you to a religious event.
2. A friend who is self-centered.

For the record, I would never want to be invited to a religious event by a friend either!

For my friends in Japan in particular, please know that I am not interested in religion - not even a little- but I am interested in showing genuine love and care to many people. I want to listen to my friends and learn from you and laugh with you. I will not hide that the source of all of my love and joy and peace is through a personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ, but I will never push that source onto any friend. If I did, these two top answers would really represent the same person.

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