Saturday, June 30, 2007

For America or For the World?

"America is blessed with 1.5 million full-time Christian workers,
or one full-time religious leader for every 182 people in the nation.
What a difference this is from the rest of the world, where more
than 2 billion people are still unreached with the Gospel. The
unreached or “hidden peoples” have only one missionary work-
ing for every 78,000 people, and there are still 1,240 distinct
cultural groups in the world without a single church among
them to preach the Gospel. These are the masses for whom
Christ wept and died."
"In India alone, 500,000 villages are without a Gospel witness."
Who will go?
- K.P. Yohannan, "Revolution in World Missions" p. 49, 56
Get your own free copy here.

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