Sunday, April 22, 2007


"In the midst of such depressing news I’ve been amazed by the articulate and shining Christian testimonies coming out of Blacksburg, even through the secular media. For me, the most touching of all was an interview on with Navy Captain David McCain as he spoke through tears about his slain daughter, Lauren McCain. Referring to Lauren he said, “She firmly believed that Christ forgave the people that killed Him. And she believed in forgiving, no matter what.” Fox News reporter Shepard Smith was visibly moved by McCain’s final comment, “I forgive him.”

Forgiveness like that is only possible through Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection restore us to God and bring us eternal life. Through faith in Jesus we are freed to live life in a whole new way. “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:55 (NIV)"

(From a former VT student, fellow missionary and friend, Bryan Gibbs, Utsunomiya, Japan)

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