Monday, March 19, 2007

ALLELUIA! - Ayano becomes a Christian

This is from Ayano herself directly to you personally right now as I translate:
"Thank you for praying!! I have so much joy right now! I didn't know at all that you were praying but God heard your prayers. I am so excited! I thank God for you and will pray for you too. I hope I can meet you all someday."

God saved Ayano today at about 6:30 pm Japan time.
So many people have prayed and loved and talked to Ayano, but of course
it was God who answered her prayers, showed Himself to Ayano and gave
her a heart to seek Himself (John 6:44). We just give HIM all the glory and
praise for this joyous day!

1 comment:

Tim Bastron said...

That is awesome. Tell Ayano, "Welcome to the body of Christ".