Monday, September 05, 2011

9/11 & Tragedy
R.C. Sproul comments on the tenth anniversary of 9/11 just around the corner:

My fear is that we haven't learned very much from 9/11. On 9/11, ten years ago, more babies were destroyed in the wombs of their mothers than people were killed in the terrorist attack in New York. That destruction continues to this day. The greatest attack on the sanctity of life come not from al-Qaeda but from those who destroy their young... What is most tragic is that when we were given a wake-up call ten years ago on 9/11, we pushed the snooze button and went back to sleep.
(Quoted from TableTalk magazine, Sept. '11)

I think a wise application this 9/11 would be to open our eyes and seek God as we recall our own sin and vulnerability in life. (Luke 13:4)

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