Saturday, December 26, 2020

 Good News of Great Joy for All People


For many of us this season is one of our favorite times of the year.


The lights, decorations, and good smells create an air of wonder and anticipation.


Young people may eagerly hope for a romantic date, while children, with the same excitement, look forward to special gifts and time to enjoy them.


But why is Christmas such a big deal for so many around the world, and how did it start?


I would like to propose to you today that we actually have more reason to celebrate and be joyful than any of us can really imagine!


As you know, Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth about 2,000 years ago.


God sent angels to lowly shepherds that night to announce the good news first to them.


And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  (Luke 2:10-11)

10 御使は言った、「恐れるな。見よ、すべての民に与えられる大きな喜びを、あなたがたに伝える。11 きょうダビデの町に、あなたがたのために救主がお生れになった。このかたこそ主なるキリストである。(ルカ 2:10-11)口語訳

Did you see that? When God sent Jesus to the Earth, He did so in order to send a great joy for all peoples!


I don’t know about you, but I don’t think most people have great joy about anything at all!


It seems that Japan should be happy, as it is one of the richest countries in the world.

And yet, according to 2019 statistics, in Japan, suicide is the leading cause of death among those 10-34 years old!

So where is our hope?! Obviously, not in money and material things!

America also continues to suffer through illness, job-loss, lockdowns, and death because of the coronavirus pandemic.

According to a new Gallup poll, Americans’ assessment of their own mental health is worse than it’s been at any point in the last two decades.

However, frequent churchgoers showed the least mental-health change of any demographic surveyed.

They were the only group who didn’t report a decline in mental health.

Regular church-goers actually showed an *increase* of 4 percent of people who reported excellent mental health compared to 2019!

Yes, something about Jesus is significantly important for our lasting joy and for the joy of all nations of this world!

Something here is truly lasting and great beyond what we realize, and it is good news for the entire world!


Let’s find out what that is by looking at what the angel said next to the shepherds.

 “And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”


In other words, you will not know this good news of great joy until you search for and find this baby, this person of Jesus Christ.


May I ask you, have you ever really searched for the truth about Jesus Christ in the Bible for yourself?


Most of us are Christians here, but I want to challenge you to ask this question to a non-Christian friend this week: 

Have you ever read the story of Christmas in the Bible for yourself?

There is good news to be found in this book that will restore the joy we were made to have with our Creator God!

If we look in the Bible, we see it is not just a collection of comforting verses.

If we look closely, we see an amazing unified story that weaves through history in order to point us to the good news that is fulfilled in Christ.

The Bible is a record of God’s wonderful work, words, and plan through history.

So if someone does not believe in God, please ask them to read God’s Word, or even better, offer to read it with them so they can begin to see that God is good!

Because God created us and loves us, He made the path to know Him clear and simple.

He wants all people to enjoy the greatest Christmas present of knowing Him and His great joy through Christ this year.

The good news of Jesus is truly the great joy we were made for.

And that good news is this: 

God came to the Earth as a baby at Christmas in order to save us from sin, death, and hell.

All of the prophets attest to it, such that there are over 300 fulfilled prophecies of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.

The prophecies are so clear that when Wise Men came from the East to ask Herod about where Jesus was born, Herod’s counselors knew exactly where Christ was to be born.

Matthew 2 says that everyone in the king’s court and all in Jerusalem were troubled by the news, but still they did not go and seek to see Jesus for themselves!

How about you? Do you actually go and seek Him for yourself?

Do you seek to know the truth and to know Him with all of your heart and mind?

Christians, do you seek to know Him so well in the Scriptures that you can share the love of Christ with others?

Do you seek to know Him so well in the Scriptures that you are able to help your friends and family learn about Christ through His Word?

If not, let us turn and seek the Lord; let us seek Him just as the shepherds and wise men did!

Let’s go with haste - let’s run, as they did, to find the Lord each day so we can know this great God and the great joy He has waiting for us.

Let’s not settle for the small unsatisfying things of this world.

In John 3:16, Jesus explains the good news like this:

ヨハネ 3:16では、イエス様がその良い知らせグッドニュースについて、このように説明しています。

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”


So the good news can be summed up like this:


The God who made this entire universe and holds it together every second


He loves us personally and gave us His Son Jesus to save all who would trust Him.


Now, in order to know this great love and salvation as good news, we must first know our extreme need for it.


Most of us don’t like to admit weaknesses and failures, 


but if we see ourselves as lowly and needy like the shepherds, we are actually in a very good position to receive God’s free gift.


Imagine a good friend of yours gave you a Christmas present.


As you open it, you see that it is a book entitled, How to Lose Weight. 


You open another and it is also a book... entitled, How to Stop your Selfishness.


It would be natural to react a bit negatively to those presents!


But when God, who made us, loves us, and knows everything tells us we have a problem,


 and that He can save us from an eternally bad result, we should react differently!


Maybe you don’t feel as if you need saving today, 


but no matter who you are, we all need salvation from our rebellion against God.


This is because our rebellion results in our death and separation from God in hell.


We need to be rescued from God’s righteous anger toward us in our rebellion against Him, and receive His free gift of forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ.


Ever since the first man Adam rebelled against God, our world has been corrupted and is dying, 


     and we continue to experience the effects of going away from our Creator.


That rebellion, according to the Bible, is called sin, 


and it has damaged our hearts and minds and this world, and the result of this is that hate, pain, tragedy and death now fill the world.


Though this world God made is filled with beauty and majesty, which reveals God’s goodness, we can also see clearly that something has gone wrong.


And something has gone wrong inside of you and me too.


Our sin has led to a separation from God and a deep brokenness and corruption in our souls that we need to be saved from.


This brokenness in our hearts leads to brokenness in every culture man has ever built, into every government and business we run, and into every family we live in.


Though we greatly long for it, nowhere in any of these places do we see full and lasting joy, peace, or perfection! 


Nowhere can we find that until we admit our sins and look to our Creator God for help.


God has put eternity in our hearts, and the knowledge of Him in our hearts, and yet we still turn away from Him and this is called sin.

And yet, thankfully, because He is so so gracious, He came to love us and forgive us.


We do not have the power to save ourselves. 


No amount of education or money or might has brought lasting peace in this world or even lasting peace inside of one human heart.


But because Jesus came to be our Savior, we do not have to perish in our sins.


As it says in John 3:16, this good news is for “whoever believes in Him”. 

ヨハネ 3:16で言われているように、この良い知らせは、「(誰でも)御子を信じる者」のためです。

The greatest gift we can possibly receive is to begin a personal relationship with our loving Creator through faith in Jesus Christ.


When we do this, the Bible says that we do not have to perish for our sins, forever and be separated from God, our Father.


Rather, we can have eternal life because Jesus died in our place at the cross.


As 1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,”

第一ペテロ 3:18 はこのように言っています。「キリストも一度罪のために死なれました。正しい方が悪い人々の身代わりとなったのです。それは、肉においては死に渡され、霊においては生かされて、私たちを神のみもとに導くためでした。」

Jesus took our punishment and rose to new life, so we can have new life with Him forever in heaven.


God planned the birth of Christ since the very beginning of the world, 


       and over and over He sent prophets who recorded very clear and direct predictions of His life, death, and resurrection.


We can read those many prophecies in the Old Testament of the Bible.


Yes, God wants us to have solid reasons to have deep joy and peace this Christmas.


Now, Christ is not Jesus’ last name. 


It is a title meaning, “The Anointed One” or “Chosen One.”


Century after century this coming King, this Chosen One was repeatedly promised to come and be God’s chosen instrument — 


to save all who will trust Him as their Lord and Savior, from every nation.


And because of Jesus, God’s chosen Savior, we can be made right with God.


As we come close to Him, we can be changed to live a life full of joy, love, and peace.


And one day, all who trust in this Savior, and receive Him by faith, will be welcomed to live with God forever in heaven.


That is why Christmas is such a big deal: It is all about amazingly good news of a free gift for all people and all nations!


Our long-awaited King and Savior has come - and we can truly rejoice in this good news.


A few days ago we received some packages from family and friends in America.


Inside the packages were lots of Christmas presents for my kids.


We put them under our Christmas tree and asked the kids to wait until Christmas to open them.


But soon, just like every year, the kids were shaking the gifts and trying to guess what they got.


They were excited! They didn’t want to wait 10 days!


In fact, when Mia was 5, she told me that she can’t wait that long because she is only 5! :)

I say that with a smile because I know how she feels - I feel the same way!


Why wait to open a gift when it is ready to be received and opened right now!


So if you haven’t done so yet, I encourage you to receive Jesus Christ and His free gift of forgiveness and salvation today and begin to live with Him as your Lord and Savior.


In many ways the shepherds who were watching their flock in the field the night Jesus was born were also tired of waiting.

Like everyone else in Israel at that time, they had been waiting for hundreds of years for the Messiah, the Christ of all the prophecies, to come.


Hundreds of years passed, and there was no sign from God, … nothing at all.


God had seemingly become silent: no miracles, no more prophets.


They had almost lost hope. 


Had God totally forsaken them in their sins?


No, God will not forsake His children, and He is always faithful to keep all of His promises.


After 500 years, God suddenly broke through the silence.


He broke through to announce to lowly shepherds the coming of the Christ, the One everyone had been waiting for.


Are you also in need of good news this Christmas too?


Then this good news of great joy comes today for you to receive and enjoy.


And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 

14  “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!” 

When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger.  (Luke 2:10-16)

 10 御使いは彼らに言った。「恐れるな。見よ、すべての民に与えられる大きな喜びを、あなたがたに伝える。11 きょうダビデの町で、あなたがたのために、救い主がお生まれになりました。この方こそ主キリストです。12 あなたがたは、布にくるまって飼葉おけに寝ておられるみどりごを見つけます。これが、あなたがたのためのしるしです。」 13 すると、たちまち、その御使いといっしょに、多くの天の軍勢が現れて、神を賛美して言った。

14  「いと高き所に、栄光が、神にあるように。地の上に、平和が、御心に叶う人々にあるように。」

15 ”御使いたちが彼らを離れて天に帰ったとき、羊飼いたちは互いに話し合った。「さあ。ベツレヘムに行って、主が私たちに知らせてくださったこの出来事を見てこよう。」16 そして急いで行って、マリヤとヨセフと、飼葉おけに寝ておられるみどりごとを捜し当てた。 (ルカ 2:10-16)

Like the shepherds, let us go in haste to search out the truth of God’s Word in the Bible for ourselves.


As they found the long-awaited Christ child lying there in a manger, may we seek Him with all of our hearts until we find Him and receive Him into our hearts.


Let’s pray.

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus to us, Your only Son, so that all who would believe do not have to perish but can have eternal life forever with You.


Thank you for dying in our place on the cross, to take our punishment so that we can be given the best Christmas present this world can know - fullness of life forever with You.


We celebrate You today and look forward to enjoying your goodness for an eternity.


In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

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